Starting February 9th at 12pm and ending on February 16th at 9am; our church is participating in a 24/7 Week of Unbroken Prayer!

Join us for one or all of the nights in these guided times of prayer and worship. Gatherings will be held in the Fellowship Hall.

We invite you to our Missional Community Training
starting February 24. The training meets on Mondays from 6-8pm.
Childcare is provided for birth-5th grade, but you must RSVP.

Winter Blitz is our annual winter retreat to Silver Birch Ranch and it is open to all students 6th-12th grade. We believe this weekend will not only be unforgettable with all of the fun activities, but also life-changing as students give God the space to move in their lives through worship, small groups, and messages.
Click on the link below for more information and to register.