
Information about current events at CLF

This year for Holy Week we invite anyone 12yrs of age and older to join us for a traditional Jewish Seder meal with a modern Christian perspective. A Christian Seder meal, a Passover observance, is a communal meal that commemorates the Exodus story and Jesus's Last Supper. The meal will be incorporating symbolic foods and prayers to reflect on God's redemption and the sacrifice of Christ as the ultimate Passover Lamb. Passover is a sacred occasion and we believe that experiencing this Passover meal will enlighten and encourage us as we ready our hearts for the celebration of Easter.

Cost is $5.00 per person and you will need to register by April 14.

Come anytime between noon and 6pm on Friday, April 18 to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf.

Join us as we celebrate Easter and our risen Savior!

Easter services will be Saturday, April 19 at 6:00pm and Sunday, April 20 at 9:00 & 10:45AM. 

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and would like to make a public declaration of that decision,

we encourage you to participate in the next Water Baptism Celebration during our Easter Weekend Services.

Saturday, April 19 at 6pm | Sunday, April 20 at 9 &10:45am

“The old life is gone, a new life has begun!”

2 Cor. 5:17

Sign up at the link below and a questionnaire will be sent for you to fill out and submit.

From there, we will contact you with further instructions. We’re so excited for you to take this next step in your faith journey! 

UNCOMMON is heading back to Atlanta! The team will serve alongside City Takers staff assisting with homeless outreach, food outreach, youth outreach and other service projects.

The dates of this trip are June 7-13, 2025.

Click on the link for more info!